Photo Gallery

College of Commerce Arts and Science,Patna Get Second Time Grade 'A' With CGPA 3.09/4 in 3rd Cycle.
College of Commerce Arts and Science,Patna Get Second Time Grade 'A' With CGPA 3.09/4 in 3rd Cycle.(May-2024)

ICSSR Sponsored One Day Workshop on DAY-NULM
Under ICSSR Project of Dr. Vidya Yadav, Dept of Geography

School Students Lab-Visit SERB DST CRG Project
This event is conducted under CRG Project of Dr. Ayan Mukherjee

Physics Practical
practical classes

DST SERB CRG one day research training
DST SERB sponsored a one-day research training programme of Dr. Ayan Mukherjee



International Conference
International Conference