A Constituent Unit of Patliputra University, Patna
With Grade-A | CGPA of 3.10/4
Date: 29-05-2024 SAMARPAN 1.0
Date: 04-04-2024 one-day lab visit for school students under the Scientific Social Responsibility activity of the SERB-DST Project of Dr. Ayan Mukherjee
Date: 04-03-2024 One day ICSSR Sponsored Dissemination Workshop and Discussion on “Homelessness and Intervention of Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana National Urban Livelihood Mission of(DAY-NULM): Achievements and Challenges” on 4th March 2024 in Vanijya Sabhagar at 11:00 A.M. onwards. The workshop is organized by P.G. Department of Geography, College of Commerce, Arts & Science, Patna.
Date: 01-03-2024 SAMARPAN 1.0
Date: 23-02-2024 Regarding Important notice for class attendance mandatory for students.
Date: 23-02-2024 Regarding admission payment of PG Regular-2nd & 4th Sem.(2024).
Activities under the events
Certificate Distribution