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A Constituent Unit of Patliputra University, Patna

स्थापित - 1949

NAAC Re-Accredited

With Grade-A | CGPA of 3.10/4

Department Faculties

The Department of Psychology was established in 1960 with Lala Indubhusan as the founder head who is a well known personality in the field of Psychology. Being the academic ground for many eminent teachers wrote books on various facets of Psychology which provided a wealth of information not only to the students within the state  but also outside the state. Graduate and Postgraduate courses as well as one Self financing course - P.G.Diploma in Counselling & Rehabilitation  (self-financing course) are also offered by the department . The Counselling Cell for the college is operated by the same with an array of experienced teachers. Some psychological tests are prepared by the faculty members, Braille Test being one of the important ones. The two minor/major projects have been completed by the faculty members. Many of the members have worked with a display of excellence in the areas of research.

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Established in 1960, the department of Political science have been striving to attain excellence in higher education through class room teaching, research programs and participatory engagement of the students. The department offers the UG and PG courses with comprehensive curricula. Relentless in its pursuit to maintain standards of excellence and consistent with the new dynamics, the department has developed the skill and techniques in imparting education through interdisciplinary methods. Debates, quizzes, seminars and workshops on the subject and contemporary topics has enhanced the quality of our department. The various research, projects and international presentation of papers by our faculty members have added a valuable insight to our students . We have been applying the digital techniques of teaching through power point presentation and illustrations through maps , graphs and statistics . Our students have shown deep interest in learning and imbibing .

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The Department of History came into being in 1964 under the able headship of Prof. Indradeo Prasad Singh. It offered Undergraduate teaching from the very beginning.

However, in the timeline of history, the department grew and took up Post Graduate teaching. As far as research work is concerned of course, PhD is most sought after and all the faculties promote regional, local studies & issues of concern apart from the role of women during freedom movement, under its banner. Even post independence studies in different contexts are encouraged in the category of contemporary history. Historical tours to the various sites are regularly carried out. We seriously believe in the interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary approach of study but at the same time keeping historical facts above fiction.

In fact, golden period of department is on & will reach its zenith in no time. In collaboration with ICHR, New Delhi, MAKAIS Kolkata & Itihas Sankalan Samiti, several national level Seminars & Conferences Organised/Conducted by our joint effort in 2019. Even Pandemic cannot slow down our spirit and in March, 2020. We stood third among various department of the college in a collaborative effort of Rotary Club, which had named the function as ‘Stride’ Here, it is worthwhile to mention some of the faculties, who don our department in present times- Among them Prof. Usha Prasad, Ex-head, presently member Bihar State University Service Commission, Patna. Another Prof. Rajeev Ranjan, presently member ICHR & President, Itihas Sankalan Samiti, Bihar. Also in line is Prof. Rajesh Shukla who also held the position of Principal in Jagat Narayan Lal College, Khagaul, Patna between 2012 to 2017. As a Principal he had contributed meaningfully in improving the the administrative as well as academic ambience of the institution. Then we have a Guest Faculty Dr. Santosh Rajak who recently joined our department. He is trying his level best to constructively maintain the academic standard of the department. We also have a Peon in the department, Shri Arjun Prasad Akela who is very sincere and is totally committed towards his duties.

Dr. Sunita Lall, presently Head of the Department had been a Rockefeller Fellow in the University of Kentucky, USA. As a head through her acumen she is harmoniously coordinating varied activities of the Department in a smooth manner and thus, setting up a good example of able administrator and a teacher.


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Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy was established in 1949. Once the Department had
5 teachers, but now it has two teachers. The Department has been engaged with several
academic activities like organizing seminars, lectures etc. The Department has always
emphasized on quality teaching, research and publications. Recently Prof. H. S. Prasad, former
Prof. & Head of the Philosophy Department of Delhi University had given a special lecture.
Apart from that, the Department had undertaken a research project, sponsored by the Shanghai
University, China and successfully completed the same. The Department had invited Prof.
Abraham Velez De Cea of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond (US), an authority in the
field of Buddhist Ethics, for speaking in a session held through Google meet, but he declined the
department’s invitation by saying that he feels uncomfortable whilst speaking on online
platforms. But he gave me his word that he will give a talk, when he will be present here in
Patna. The department specializes in Under Graduate courses only.

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Department of Sociology

History of the department (key feature should be highlighted)
Department of Sociology, College of Commerce Arts and Science has its own legacy of
academic excellence. It is the oldest and pioneer Post Graduate and Undergraduate teaching
department of Magadh University (Earlier Pataliputra University was part of Magadh
University). The founding department head, Late Professor Pandey Satyendra Narayan was
renowned teacher and researcher in the field of Sociology in Bihar. From the very beginning
faculties and students of the department have made significant and landmark contributions over
the years for the development of the discipline of Sociology as teachers and researchers. The
faculties of the department have number of publications in journals of national and international
repute. They have also published some academic books and reference books from reputed
publishers of India which adds to the glory of the department. Research scholars have obtained
their Ph.D degrees under the effective guidance of the teachers of the department. The faculties
of the department are also life members of reputed academic professional associations like,
International Sociological Association based in Madrid, Spain, Indian Sociological Society,
Bihar Sociological society, Indian Political and Economic Association, Ethical Committee.
Faculties actively participate in these associations as office bearers and have presented their
research paper in India and abroad. University Grant Commission has given International Travel
Grant (thrice) for presenting research papers abroad. The faculties were also invited as resource
person for the refresher course by other universities and were member of moderation board in
some universities.
Senior faculty of the department Prof.K.K Singh who has recently retired was appointed as Pro
Vice Chancellor of Nalanda Open University, Registrar Patliputra University, Dean Student
Welfare, Patliputra University. These reflect administrative acumen of the faculties. Dr.
Gyanendra Yadav, Associate Professor has been appointed as Board member of Research
Committee 29 of International Sociological Association for the year 2023-27. Dr. Khalid Ahmed
Associate Professor has been giving his valuable contribution since 2016.Dr. Renu Choudhary,
Assistant Professor has recently joined this department and has rich experience of research as she
has worked for eight years in a research institute has done 8 research projects sponsored by
various agencies like ICSSR, MHRD, PFI and Bihar Government. She is the head of department
at present. These shows the academic acumen of the faculties of this department.
Undergraduate and Post Graduate courses are offered in the department. Department was also
involved with Magadh university for pre Ph.D course work on Research Methodology in
Sociology. Dissertation followed by viva voce is also part of post graduate curriculum which
encourage students to pursue further research. At present there are three teachers in the
department in which two are Associate Professors and one is Assistant Professor.


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 हिंदी विभाग: एक परिचय
हिंदी विभाग, कॉलेज ऑफ़ कॉमर्स, आर्ट्स एंड साइंस का एक उज्ज्वल इतिहास और समृद्ध परंपरा रही है। महाविद्यालय के अस्तित्व के साथ ही हिंदी विभाग भी अस्तित्व में आया। विभाग की व्यापकता सहायक हिंदी, अनिवार्य हिंदी, MJC, MIC, MDC, स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर और पी-एच. डी (शोध कार्य) में निहित है। हिंदी विभाग और महाविद्यालय के पास कई गौरवपूर्ण स्मरण हैं जब रामधारी सिंह ‘दिनकर’, केदारनाथ मिश्र ‘प्रभात’, आचार्य जानकी वल्लभ शास्त्री, गोपाल सिंह ‘नेपाली’, रामवृक्ष ‘बेनीपुरी’, फणीश्वरनाथ ‘रेणु’, आरसी प्रसाद सिंह, केसरी कुमार, सुशीला टाकभौरे आदि ने महाविद्यालय में आकर गरिमा प्रदान की। हिंदी विभाग की परम्परा में प्रारंभ से अभी तक कुल 28 प्राध्यापकों के नाम सम्मिलित हैं। हिंदी विभाग के वर्तमान अध्यक्ष प्रो. श्रीकांत सिंह संत साहित्य, भक्ति साहित्य एवं तुलसी साहित्य के विद्वान विशेषज्ञ हैं। प्रो. मंगला रानी ख्यातिप्राप्त कवयित्री हैं। ये सौंदर्यशास्त्र और शैली विज्ञान की विदुषी हैं। प्रो. दिनेश प्रसाद सिंह कथा साहित्य के विशेषज्ञ हैं। प्रो. कंचना सिंह नागार्जुन साहित्य की मर्मज्ञ हैं। डॉ. विनोद कुमार मंगलम् की विशेषज्ञता आधुनिक कविता में है। डॉ. विनीता गुप्ता नई कविता और अज्ञेय साहित्य की विशेषज्ञ हैं। डॉ. अजय कुमार हिंदी पत्रकारिता, कथा साहित्य और दलित साहित्य के विशेषज्ञ हैं। डॉ. इन्दिरा प्रियदर्शिनी कथा साहित्य और स्त्री विमर्श की विशेषज्ञ हैं। डॉ. मनोज कुमार गुप्ता बाल पत्रकारिता और आधुनिक साहित्य के विशेषज्ञ हैं। उपर्युक्त कार्यरत सभी प्राध्यापकों की अनेकानेक पुस्तकें व शोध-आलेख प्रकाशित हैं तथा साहित्य जगत में समादृत हैं।... जिस कार्य और उद्देश्य की संसिद्धि के लिए विभाग की स्थापना हुई थी उसको प्रारंभ से ही यह विभाग साकार करते आ रहा है।

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Department of English, one of the oldest and renowned departments of the college, stands for creative exploration and serious academy engagements apart from research orientations. The department is a set of seriously committed teachers with their distinct areas of specialization which include studies as far as transgender and LGBT. They have their publications in literary national and international journals with high impact factors. The teachers have also excelled in areas that are challenging such as postmodern literary theory and feminist discourses. Also, issues of subaltern literature are covered adequately with the Ambedkarite tradition reviewed. The department holds seminars, symposia debates, and discussions on issues picked up from the syllabus to help students develop prowess to understand the trends and tendencies of the postmodern literary temper. Apart from deconstructing problems and problematics of literature in general, we also hold regular interactive sessions with students to expatiate it and dwell on the most current and yet the most difficult aspects of understanding literary sensibilities. Research works continue unabated with focus on unearthing new trends and techniques of doing research and also look into the dynamics of what entails a research in terms of findings.  We encourage students to read original books, texts and insist on making use of cross references adduced from a variety of sources.

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The Department of Maithili was established under the Humanities in 1963.The aim of the department of Mathili is to study human beings as social, cultural, and regional linguistics in the context of their experiences, activities, constructs and artifacts. Human nature is not discipline and therefore the school emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to understand it. The department has a mission to pursue quality education and research for a greater understanding of human nature and the challenges faced by humanity. Disciplines like language, Sociology, Psychology, Social work, and other social sciences may interactively engage in research leading to a knowledge system that serves the development of mankind. The Department was set up to develop an awareness of the importance of studying human behavior and the societal relevance of Humanities. It offers Masters and Ph.D. programmes in Maithili. The department also participates in enhancing the overall well-being of students by facilitating their emotional, interpersonal, and intellectual growth of regional language development through centre of well-being.

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The department of Urdu was established in the year 1957. There is a glorious past with a galaxy of teaching faculties and alumni who have contributed a lot in the fields of academics and other sphere of the society like administration, teaching, trade and public services. In recent past, there have been a good initiative and focused effort on the part of higher studies and research activities. Three Post Doctoral Fellows granted by University Grants Commission, New Delhi has recently completed their works in the department. As a matter of pride, this is to mention that no one Department of any University or College in the state has achieved the goal as yet. In addition to this, four Junior Research Fellows (UGC, New Delhi) has completed their research presently.


The department has a reputation internationally. Our teachers have been invited for their deliberations in the Europe and Asian countries like France, Italy, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bangladesh etc. in recent past in seminars, symposia and workshops. The participation of teachers in academic activities at national and state level may be underlined with high repute. It is worth to mention that this department has contributed a lot in curriculum designing at national and state levels (NCERT, New Delhi; SCERT, Patna; CIIL, Mysore; NCPUL, New Delhi). The department has organized so many national and international Seminars of high academic importance.

The department of today consisting of three faculties has a huge publication treasure. More than forty books at their credit in Urdu, Hindi and English languages and they have collectively published more than 150 stray research publications. More than fifteen books have been published by our research scholars in recent past. About two dozen of our ex students and research scholars have been chosen for Assistant Professors in different Universities in Bihar and the country in recent years.

The department offers Urdu as optional and compulsory papers in all three streams at Intermediate and Graduation (Honours, Subsidiary and Compulsory Mother Tongue) level. In addition to that, we offer Ph. D. and PDFs at research level. Informally we teach Urdu Script and language for new learners who show their interest in Urdu language and literature.


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The Department of Geography was established in 1960. The department offers undergraduate, post- graduate and Ph.D.programmes in Geography. Bachelor of Arts in Geography runs in annual examination pattern whereas, Master’s programme in Geography is having semester system. Presently, there are about 755 students in the department studying at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and around 5 (five) students pursuing their Ph.Ds. The thrust areas of research being pursued in the department are Regional Development, Urban Geography, Environmental Studies, Political geography, Agricultural Geography, Population Geography, Social & Cultural Geography. Apart from the skilled & dedicated faculties in the department, it also maintains its own library with rich collection of books on geography to provide reading material to its students. The geography teaching is not only limited to classroom teaching and practicals but also includes field trips, excursion, and reinforced through project work, seminars, talks, and quizzes. Moreover, the department maintains its dedicated laboratory which has all the necessary instruments and equipment for geography practical. The department is equipped in cartography and Geographic Information System (GIS) laboratory and other infrastructure necessary for conducting theory and practical classes. Admission The department follows the university admission procedure for admission to different programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate level as well as doctoral research level. The admission is based on an academic record, Entrance Test and Interview. Faculty
There are four (04) sanctioned teaching post: Professor (01), Associate Professor (01), Assistant Professor (02). All the respective faculties of the department are Ph.D. qualified and well versed in their specialized areas. With the establishment of this department Prof. Wasi Ahmed (1961-1998) was the first HoD, followed by Prof. Hira Lal Singh (1998-2012) and then Dr. Mridula Singh (Associate professor). Within past five years Dr. Abhay Shankar (Associate Professor), Dr. Rashmi (Associate Geography) and presently Dr. Rashmi Ranjana (Assistant Professor) is heading this position. This department always welcome the senior faculties for enriching lectures for the students. The department is endowed with young and dynamic teachers actively engaged in teaching as well as research activities. Their publication in the form of books and articles are in peer reviewed journals, monographs, as well as chapters in edited books. They also engaged in attending national as well as international seminars and conferences.

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Post Graduate Centre of the Department of Economics of the college which was established in the year 1960 is committed to impart quality-based education to the students of the region. Being one of the oldest departments of this college, it has traversed a long way in the course of all these years offering both undergraduate (Semester System) and postgraduate courses (CBCS) and Ph. D. in Economics. The department also provides the latest information and knowledge to its students to make them better citizens and to meet both national and global problems, not only in the field of Economics but in all walks of life. Our objective is to generate talent of high profile through various academic programmes to serve the corporate world and government. The best practices of the department are academic counseling, mentoring, and career counseling. The strength of the department is qualified, motivated, and competent faculty with a blend of high experience and young energetic dynamism. Our mission is to provide education not only to acquire knowledge but also to inculcate a sound philosophy for holistic living. The Department of Economics has produced many of the country’s leading academicians, educators, administrators, policymakers, corporate leaders, and journalists. Producing high-quality, cutting-edge research is among its top priorities.
Some of the distinguished personalities who gave their deliberations are from the University of Rochester, USA, Alexander Lee, Principal Economist, Federal Reserve System, USA, Dr. Nitish Ranjan Sinha, from Maiden School of Business, Newyork, Dr. Chandan Jha, Former Chairman of UGC& ICSSR, New Delhi, Dr. Sukhdeo Thorat, Director and Vice-Chancellor, IGIDR, Mumbai, Prof S. Mahendra Deo, Former Director & Professor, Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi, Prof Pulin Nayak, Professor (Retd), Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi and many others.

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