UGC Cell
College of Commerce, Arts & Science
About the Cell:
The UGC cell under IQAC, College of Commerce, Arts & Science, Patna was formed with an aim to work for the development of the college and its stakeholders. It looks for the proper implementations of various UGC funded schemes and guidelines. It will aware the students to avail different schloraships and fellowships. It also works for creating awareness about various career / quality enhancement schemes of the UGC among the teachers. Since its formation, the cell has been conducting various programmes from time to time for the interest of the college and its stakeholders.
Aims & objectives:
The objectives of the UGC cell are given below:
- To work for availing various UGC projects and schemes for the overall development of the college.
- To ensure proper implementation of UGC guidelines in various activities of the college.
- To create awareness among teachers about various quality/career enhancement schemes for teachers.
Powers and Functions:
- The cell will work for availing UGC projects and schemes.
- The cell will look after the implementation of UGC funded schemes and projects.
- The cell will work for quality enhancement of teachers.
- The cell will work for the benefit of the students.
S.NO. | NAME | Designation |
01 | Prof. (Dr.) Indrajit Prasad Roy | Chairman |
02 | Dr. Ayan Mukherjee | Co-Ordinator |
03 | Dr. Vidya Yadav | Member |
04 | Dr. Akanksha Priya | Member |
Contact No. of Co-ordinator: 8372098447
Email ID: